Trigonometric Identities

Magic Hexagon for Trig Identities

  • Reciprocal Identities
You can also get the "Reciprocal Identities", by going "through the 1

Here you can see that sin(x) = 1 / csc(x)

  • sin(x) = 1 / csc(x)
  • cos(x) = 1 / sec(x)
  • cot(x) = 1 / tan(x)
  • csc(x) = 1 / sin(x)
  • sec(x) = 1 / cos(x)
  • tan(x) = 1 / cot(x)

  • Product Identities
The hexagon also shows that a function between any two functions is equal to them multiplied together (if they are opposite each other, then the "1" is between them):
Example: tan(x)cos(x) = sin(x)Example: tan(x)cot(x) = 1

sin(x)csc(x) = 1
tan(x)csc(x) = sec(x)
sin(x)sec(x) = tan(x)
cos(x)tan(x) = sin(x)
csc(x)cos(x) = cot(x)
cot(x)sec(x) = csc(x)

  • Quotient Identities 
tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)
To help you remember
think "tsc !"
Well, we can now follow "around the clock" (either direction) to get all the "Quotient Identities":
  • tan(x) = sin(x) / cos(x)
  • sin(x) = cos(x) / cot(x)
  • cos(x) = cot(x) / csc(x)
  • cot(x) = csc(x) / sec(x)
  • csc(x) = sec(x) / tan(x)
  • sec(x) = tan(x) / sin(x)
  • cos(x) = sin(x) / tan(x)
  • sin(x) = tan(x) / sec(x)
  • tan(x) = sec(x) / csc(x)
  • sec(x) = csc(x) / cot(x)
  • csc(x) = cot(x) / cos(x)
  • cot(x) = cos(x) / sin(x)

  • Pythagorean Identities 

The Unit Circle shows us that
sinx + cos2 x = 1
The magic hexagon can help us remember that, too, by going clockwise around any of these three triangles:
And we have:
  • sin2(x) + cos2(x) = 1
  • 1 + cot2(x) = csc2(x)
  • tan2(x) + 1 = sec2(x)

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